Introducing Anam Cara
Ailee O'Neill Ailee O'Neill

Introducing Anam Cara

Welcome to Anam Cara Spiritual Spa!!

Building this community and working to get this site launched has been a very exciting and intimidating experience. I have never done anything like this before. I am incredibly thankful to my friends and family that have supported me on my way to launch this site.

Creating a Spiritual Spa is something that I have wanted to do for years. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to build a place that people can gather and feel supported by the people they gather with. I wasn’t exactly sure what that looked like, but over the last few years, the vision became more and more clear.

I had a very traumatic accident in the summer of 2017 and in the blink of an eye, my life changed. Everything I knew; walking, driving, dancing, going to work, sleeping, showering… needed to be reevaluated. While I was taking stock of my life as I knew it, I realized how ingrained I had become to the hamster wheel of work/career. I was always focused on the next gig, next title, next check. I noticed that the way I recalled memories from my life were identified by which series I was producing on at the time. I had no personal, spiritual memories of my own self. I also realized that my work community normalized terrible work/life habits and we were the type of people boasting about how LITTLE sleep we had gotten, or how many hours we worked in a day. My inner self was misaligned with my outer self.

There, my mission began of reconnecting with myself and working on all of the personal emotional crapola that I had delightfully avoided for so many years.

Well, the flood gates opened and since then, the universe in all of its beautiful glory has kept it coming. As I attempted to heal and work on myself, Christina Barlow introduced me to Helen Vonderheide, our Resident Akashic Guide. Then Helen introduced me to Mimi Truong, our resident Astrologer and through incredible sessions and looking within, challenges became easier, self-doubt vanished, anxiety fell to a minimum and I truly believe that, although I still have lots of work to do, I am authentically aligned with who I am and what I am here to do. Feeling this and celebrating it, I couldn’t help but want to share it with the world. So, here we are, a collective group of powerful people that are here for you! I know you’re going to love them as much as I do.

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