Upon purchasing the offering of your choice, you will make an appointment to have your 30 minute Initial Introduction to Anam Cara Spiritual Spa. During this time, we will briefly discuss what areas you would like to focus on and we will go through the Spiritual Companions and decide which one is best for your experience.

MEETING with your SPIRITUAL COMPANION will be full of guidance and support. They will help get you ready for your readings and focus on your intent. You will meet with your SPIRITUAL COMPANION three times per offering. Once before readings, once after Astrological reading and then again after Akashic Record Reading, which will be your final meeting. The final meeting will provide you with a breakdown of all information relayed to you through your readings. During this meeting, your SPIRITUAL COMPANION will offer guidance on how to take your next steps, integrating the information you have received, and apply it to your life, day to day.

ASTROLOGICAL CHART READING will be based off of your BIRTHDATE, TIME OF BIRTH and LOCATION OF BIRTH. With this information, Mimi Truong is able to create a Natal Chart that will help to illuminate pieces of information about yourself. Mimi will read the chart and lovingly walk you through what is being shown. She will also pull up your current chart to help see where you are going. Mimi’s expertise covers all areas from the self, psychological patterns, parental & sibling relationships, career, finances, family/children, romance, fear and passions. The reading is quite exciting and feels really special. It’s a brilliant experience realizing so much of who we are, was made from the stars.

AKASHIC RECORD READING is guided beautifully by Helen Vonderheide, accessing your Akashic Records with the mention of your name and a special prayer, spoken at the beginning and ending of each reading. Some think of The Akashic Records as a mental and spiritual library of your soul’s experiences that span its entire existence. The soul's very essence and expression, potentials, and purposes can be revealed. Issues of the lifetime are brought to light from a spiritual perspective. Both favorable and difficult patterns that are present can be identified. Corrective measures required to establish harmony can be seen. Helen accesses your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones while she is doing your reading, some people think of them as your own personal board of trustees looking out for you to reach your highest potential. They offer guidance, connect with family members that have passed, illuminate past lives that you have experienced. In these sessions, the heart of your current issues will be revealed. This revelation will bring to light the best ways to heal the causes of your difficulties. Through the heart of the Akashic Records, we find the points of light and power in you and your life at this time.